Friday, March 27, 2009

make-up less.

Ladies, my friend Elizabeth (above) has been on quite an incredible journey/challenge in these past few weeks. It involves less make-up, more loving herself, and more trusting in what really matters. But don't take my word for it. 

*she would like to share it with you. celebrate what there is to learn from her journey.*

please read her past posts, and present posts, and be inspired. 

YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, Elizabeth. As are the rest of you.  


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

why don't you give me yo' picture? it'll last longer....and i just might give you a prize...

I'm planning on an upcoming blog that showcases pictures of women from this group at what they feel was one of their most beautiful moments. It's to celebrate who we are and how we are made.

PJ's are welcome. Prom dresses are welcome. Wedding photos are welcome. You and your dog on your old couch are welcome.  Pictures of you in your underwear (while something to celebrate (yay body love!)) are not welcome.

 If you felt beautiful when the picture was taken, and when you look at it, it reminds you of your incredible beautifulness (which is a true thing!!!) PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE send me a photo that you wouldn't mind being posted in a week or so to me! 

I will not post your name or any information about you, it will just be the picture- so we can all celebrate together, our loveliness and support one another in our beauty, inside and out. 

Have the subject line say : I'm No Plain-Faced Girl Photo! so I know it when I see it.  

PRIZE, YOU SAY??? ---> One of you beautiful ladies who takes the time to send me a picture will be randomly selected for an I'm No Plain-Faced Girl Mix that I will make myself. There will also be an added goodie and a handwritten letter of love by moi, Claire. 


I'm inserting a photo of myself to start it off. 

See you (in a picture) soon. 
Love love love. 

Monday, March 2, 2009

the new new. the here and the not yet.

I don't know about you beautiful women, but I am more than ready for Spring to come. 

 If you're in a cold climate right now you know that that reality seems far off.  Looking out my dorm window, I'm seeing snow drift across the faces of cold students walking from class to class, and not a spot of sunshine through the clouds.

So it doesn't look like Spring yet. We're going to have to accept that. 

And some ways, it feels like it it's coming in a big way.  
I know I sound like a crazy person, but bear with me.

These past few weeks, days, even, I have started to believe in a newness that is sweeping into my life. I don't know if any of you feel like this, but it's like God is opening up a new book for me, and showing me new pages, day by day.  Sometimes I have hard days, and moments where I feel like the sun will never show her face, but then I live a moment or say a prayer and think, it's coming. It's coming, and I know it.  I don't know fully what is ahead, but I feel excited.

It's like a single daffodil coming from the white white snow. 

If you feel this newness, this sense of something coming, this HOPE that you can't shut out, let's talk about it.  I know it's still cold outside. I know the wind howls and sometimes you feel like it gets so dark you have no light to walk by, but the light is there. Look closely, you'll see it. 

I want us to talk about brand-spanking-newness. About new life. About delight and beauty and the beauty of ourselves. It's what I'm calling "The New New." The not quite, but coming soon. The in-between place and what we can do to accept the good things that are coming our way while not having them yet. 

This might all sound like a lot of mumbo-jumbo, but I hope you get it. Please let your voice be heard- leave a comment and discuss this with me. I want to join in the conversation too. 

SO, Beautiful women, what's new?
 (Now you know that's a loaded question, but you must answer it for me. I have missed you and I want to rejoice with what is and what is yet to come).

To the New New,


Sunday, March 1, 2009

(cue the epic music...!!!) THE NEW POST COMES TOMORROW

I know
you're looking
 forward to it
Come back
 to check it out.

 : )

- Claire