To freshmen, welcome to the crazy world of college. I hope it holds many adventures and friendships for you.
To all others who have already been through a year or more of college, or are way past college, I also hope all is well. Keep remembering that life is new every day, and that beautiful things are happening when you keep your eyes open. I know sometimes it's hard to remember when the same thing happens day after day, but try. You'll like it, I promise.
A quote for you beauties, today:
"We have to be braver than we think we can be, because God is constantly calling us to be more than we are, to see through plastic sham to living, breathing reality, and to break down our defenses of self-protection in order to be free to receive and give love."
--Madeleine L'Engle, "Walking on Water"
If you were more brave, what would you do?
As lame as this answer is going to be, the whole school starting again has brought this to my mind.
One thing I constantly wish I did more is share ideas in class. I still get nervous about raising my hand and answering a question, even if it is something simple. It doesn't really sound like something that would take any amount of bravery, but yet it does.
I feel like in trying to be a more brave person, I am tyring to become more willing to be myself and share it with the world (without fear). For me, I think the first step in working towards that is being willing to speak my mind, without fear of judgement or personal attacks. After my college experience last year I think this is even more difficult for me. But I believe that the next phases of my life can only get better. Even though I am still not sold on the whole college thing, I feel like the environment I am in right now is more open. And really that is what I am looking for. A place where I can be who I am without feeling like I will be judged to no end.
Maybe I didn't end up really talking about bravey and just being a ramble-mister. Bah. (Sorry I wrote like a short story...)
Good luck new campus ladies! Have fun and support one another. Everyone is awkward and nervous, don't worry.
Ooh!! I love that quote.
Hmmmm.. if I were more brave I would evangelize more. I went on the NYC trip this past summer and LOVED every minute of it. But coming back here, where I know people and I'm just not talking with strangers, I hold my faith back. I don't share with the non-Christians at work like I should, I smile when a crude joke is made in class, I hide behind my wall of fear. It's sad and pathetic but that's how I am.
The scripture that's running through my head right now is that verse from Ephesians 6, "Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power put on the full armor of God..." This life is a constant battle. Yet we have the most powerful ammunition and we choose not to use it. We shrink back and cower, letting Satan defeat us.
Praise the Lord, He gives us second chances!!! Thank goodness, because i need it! He will give me more opportunities to witness, He'll give Laura more opportunities to speak out in class. He gives us chances to be victorious!!
Be strong in our God, ladies! We are His beautiful daughters and He delights in us. When we are weak He is strong!! :)
If i were more brave, I would ask more questions, admitting I did not know the answers.
If I was braver I would walk up to this Greek boy I've met and tell him he was really cute and that we should hang out sometime. I know, that's really lame that that's the thing that I wish I was braver about right now.
I wouldn't be afraid to say hi to people, and I wouldn't be afraid to try really hard and fail
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