Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Hello! It's Tuesday, and we're BACK ON....

Beautiful, glorious ladies!

It is good to be back in the swing of No Plain-Faced things, although I dearly miss all of the other beautiful ladies I counseled at Masterpiece. Many of you wanted to know how my week went, and I have so much to say, but put simply- God happened, art happened, love happened, beauty happened. I realized more than ever that my talents and gifts, what we do, what we give to the world, to God, is what makes me feel the most beautiful of all.

For that reason I share with you a poem that I wrote yesterday, in the beautiful aftermath that was Masterpiece Arts Camp. I hope you enjoy it. Please do not hesitate to comment.

"An Ode (How You Made Me)"
by Claire Taulbee

I say
let the sun pour in the windows
liquid happiness on wooden tables
shining halos of hellos, strewn from
truth to fables, and back again.

Let the birds wind their melodies
in grassy strings woven around my hair,
green life in a mass of inconsistent curls,
every blooming bud speaking to my wings.
I am learning not to hesitate, when they ask
earnestly, to be unfurled.

And the world becomes new again,
when you affirm that thing in me that
is spinning on without
my consent, making things beautiful.
I see now how I would much rather
watch it grow alongside you,
as you bring meaning to my madness.

This is an ode to the way you touch my life,
seamlessly. This is how I know You are a poet
who wrote me into worth. I want to
praise You with my words, fearlessly.

Lord God, this is how

I say


to how I was made.


How were you made? What are your gifts?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First off, Claire I just love reading your blog posts! You have so much energy and it just brightens up my day to read your happy thoughts on life!

Anyway, I think (hypothetically speaking of course!) that God made me with the details in mind. I'm a very detail oriented person (some may call me a micro-manager) and I like to pay attention to the little things. So maybe God was paying attention to all the little details when he made me too. Like the little birthmark on my face, cute brown moles on my arm, or freckles that peek out of my nose when I am in the sunshine a lot. Those are all little things that are unique and beautiful about me that I think he paid attention to.

On the complete flipside, I sometimes think that after making billions upon billions of people, maybe God just was like eh, let's just throw her together! Because that's the way I am too! I am so messy and unorganized (an odd pairing with my micromanaging, I know!) so sometimes I smile and think maybe God just tossed me together to see what happened! Such silly thoughts!

But all in all, I think I was made with love in mind. I love to see love and God in everything I see.