Regardless of your lack of comments :) (and thank you to those of you who have been so faithful to!! You're the sunshine in my blogging days!) , I hope you are reading, and thinking about the things that I've been posting. I do it for you ladies, but I realize that it helps me too. Words are kind of beautiful that way.
* * * So today, an excerpt from something I wrote a few weeks ago, just sitting in a cafe thinking.
Comment if you want, if you agree, if you disagree, if you've felt the same things, I want to know. I promise. I do.
"What does it look like to be how I was made, and what do you change about yourself when you know you are not everything you could be?
And how does loving who I am help me love other people better?
If I was completely comfortable with myself, what would I do?
If I started doing all of those things, would I more deeply understand what it means to be free in my own skin?"
It's not a Proust Questionnaire. It's just honest questions I realized that I'd been asking myself long before I wrote them down that afternoon at Fusion Brew. Ask yourself the same questions, beautiful. See what you find.
with love. always,
That is probably one of the best questions I have ever read in my entire life. I don't know if I can answer it and I wonder if I will ever be able to. I guess my goal in life (as lame as that sounds) is to be in constant search of that. I think that if I live my life always striving to be what is truly me and what makes me feel the most free, I will be content.
I love those questions too. They're tough to answer but so good. I suppose one of the things I've been striving for recently is to rely only on Jesus. If I rely on my appearance, friends, etc. I will ALWAYS be let down- because they're not perfect! I'm not perfect either but Jesus is! And resting in Him rather than in ourselves is so freeing. So I guess I'm trying to let loose and cut through the chains of the world that hold me down and rely on only Jesus- for in Him I know I am beautiful.
I think that everyday I find something new about myself, I keep changing and growing. Of course I don't realize this every single day. But it is important to express yourself and how you were made, not by what others want to see or hear, otherwise you will never fully be you!
Firstly, I loved reading the first three comments before mine! You ladies are all so eloquent!
And Claire your question is very thought provoking. Whenever I notice that I'm not being everything I could be, I try to write it down somewhere. I leave myself little notes everywhere reminding me to be strong and confident and to watch for the love that's everywhere in my life. I do think that when I accept myself, then it will be easier to accept others for when I can overlook my own flaws, I will be better equipped to overlook the flaws in others.
I'm not usually comfortable in my own skin, but when I am it is a wonderful feeling! I will feel like I can conquer the world and make a difference and be someone that others would be proud to know.
Well, Clairebee, I'd have to say from one beautiful woman to another, that knowing and feeling how you are made is that part of you way down in the pit of your stomach, and it smiles out-loud each time you understand just how perfectly you were created in an image that is the perfect example of perfect.
I feel most comfortable in my own skin when I am completely at ease with my surrounings. The people that love me show me how well I fit in with this Grand Scheme.
Perhaps I got completely off topic since I can't exactly remember your questions, but nonetheless, they were so nice.
Thank you for this blog, lovely.
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