i know, a thanksgiving post, really? way to be creative, claire.
i don't care, i tell you! we must have a thanksgiving post!
so for this wonderful occasion, all no plain -faced girls shall give thanks together.
and yes, i want to know what you're thankful for. so spill. post a comment and list at least 10 things you are so glad to have in your life.
you're beautiful. i already know that you're thankful for that.
ten OTHER things :)
Hi Claire!!
Here's my list! :)
1. Family
2. Amazing church family
3. Wonderful friends with whom I have experienced what it means to be loved in a Christ-like way.
4. My job and that my parents have been given jobs to support our family.
5. Christ's INCREDIBLE love, grace, and mercy!
6. Hope
7. Bible
8. A loving home to be at for Thanksgiving
9. the beauty of nature
10. Music
Hey Claire!!! First time poster. =] Love your blog.
1. Family.
2. Friends.
3. My beautiful puppies.
4. My home.
5. Being able to go to college, and not really having to worry about money.
6. All of the talents that I've been blessed with.
7. My health.
8. All of the opportunities i've been lucky to be presented with.
9. Music, just like Molly. =]
10. Everything. I'm thankful for everything, good or bad, that has come into my life. It's shaped who I am, and who I'm still becoming.
Happy Thanksgiving to all! Have a safe and fun holiday!
And check out my blog!
[Hey, I'm new at this.]
1. my mother, the most wonderful woman I know.
2. breaks from school that give me time to be with my family I love!
3. colors that make the world bright.
4. uncontrollable laughter, because you can’t be anyone but yourself when you’re laughing.
5. onions and cheese, because they make my favorite Thanksgiving dish.
6. touch, to communicate care and love and trust.
7. traditions, because of the anticipation and excitement that builds in me waiting for them to happen!
8. relationships, because they stretch me and make me grow.
9. real friends who tell you the things you need to hear even though they don't want to say them.. simply because they want the best for you.
And most of all, 10. God, because He’s my reason for living, and because in everything I owe Him praise!
To Kelsey: a couple of lines by one of my very favorite poets, Lord Alfred Tennyson, from his Ulysses.
"I am a part of all that I have met;
Yet all experience is an arch wherethro'
Gleams that untravell'd world whose margin fades
For ever and for ever when I move.
How dull it is to pause, to make an end,
To rust unburnish'd, not to shine in use!
As tho' to breathe were life! Life piled on life
Were all too little..."
Hey, I made a list yesterday! :]
1) Family gatherings
2) Warm socks
3) Laughter
4) True friends
5) Hot chocolate
6) Safety
7) Good books
8) Imagination
9) Beautiful scenery
10)Heart-to-heart talks
Elaina: Thanks for the wise words!
I really like that. I've heard some of Tennyson's poetry. Maybe now I'll look up more. =]
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