I thought it might be fun to write some things down about myself that I found a little odd and a little wonderful at the same time.
If you would be so kind to join me and leave a comment listing 5 oddly wonderful things about yourself, I would be ever so delighted. Like this:
Five Oddly Wonderful Things about (YOUR NAME HERE)
I will start.
Five Oddly Wonderful Things about Claire
1. I am delighted by earrings that don't match.
Example- a sterling silver bird post on one, and a heart on the other. Fabulous.
2. I will go to absurd lengths (but will never lie!) to avoid upper level math or science courses.
3. I want to buy a baby moss terrarium, and not only because it sounds cute, but because there may be few things better than a mini forest in a jar/salt shaker/vase etc.
4. The short phrase "nostalgic whimsy" tickles me to no end.
5. I have never watched an episode of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition without crying freely during almost every scene.
So now that I've been ever so open, won't you let me know your wonderful oddities, beautiful girl?
Fill me in.
5 oddly wonderful things about des
1. I chose to take the nursing path over the vet path because animals make me cry... people not as often (i swear I don't have a cold heart! its just that big baby animals are helpless and cute)
2. I am addicted to lotion. I have about 8 different bottles I am trying to use before I buy anymore.
3. I like fun colorful socks, but I don't own any. I just like to look at them and then I buy white socks.
4. My favorite college course so far has been Islamic Civilization. Remember I am a nursing major which equals science.
5. I really want a record player and a book shelf.
1. When I was in highschool, I refused to say that I had a crush on anyone. I thought that was a coarse word that didn't really describe the elation I felt inside... I said that I had Tender Inclinations and Emotional Attachments.
2. I wear glasses without lenses, because I've always wanted glasses. I call them glass-lesses.
3. I was a bridesmaid in my sister's wedding and I sobbed the whole time in front of everyone.
4. I have had over ten pet rabbits in my life, and three of them were named Peter.
5. I have a crush on Soren Kierkegaard.
5 oddly wonderful things about Katie
1. When I daydream, I think of what I want to name my children and I plan my funeral. It sounds morbid, but I want it to be really fun so that people will get together and celebrate in memory of me, instead of just get together and be sad. (If I die before you guys, you should all come. It'll be a rockin' good time.)
2. I love running by myself. It gives me time to be alone and just let my thoughts go wherever.
3. I abhor the term of endearment "baby." If it's in a song then that's okay, but when people say to their loved ones it grosses me out.
4. I love post-it notes. They're so cute and fun, but then I buy them and hate using them because they are so cute that I want to keep them forever.
5. I start planning for holidays months in advance. I had christmas ideas for people in october and I started planning for valentine's day over Christmas break.
5 things about Carley
1. i'm thrilled to be doing this. it's so random and i'm excited for some weird reason.
2. i have 3 sisters (i'm the oldest) and i love it. if my mom had had a boy i think it would have spoiled things. i have recently acquired a step sister and a step brother and i love them both but i'm glad that they didn't come into my life until i was like 17.
3. i am a brunette and have lighter-than-redhead skin. yes its lighter because i don't have freckles to cover up the paleness that is my body. i love it!! i hate tanning because its so hard for me. i burn to a crisp, turn some ugly rusty patchy color for a week and then go back to being pail. no I’m not “goth” and I don’t call myself a vampire. it’s just the way I am.
4. my boyfriend and i love finding new coffee places around our towns. we love coffee of all shapes and kinds and we found a new place last night that’s open til 10 which is awesome cause most other one’s we’ve found close at ridiculously early times like 5 or 7. and their chai is delicious!
5. as glad as i am to be in community college because there’s no drama and it’s cheap… i wish i could be in a real college with dorm mates and a big campus and being away from my family. it breaks my heart to see all my highschool friends going away to indiana and pennsylvania and having a jolly good time when i’m still stuck at my parents house.
5 oddly wonderful things about Nadirah
1) I honestly love all kinds of music. Foo Fighters, Rascal Flatts, Kanye West, The Veronicas, Mozart, Kelly Carkson, 80's everything, Lifehouse, Guns n roses, Daughtry, Lionel Richie, Blink 182, Micheal Jackson, Norah Jones... the list goes on. My playlists are always a wacky mix and I only know one other person who loves everything like I do.
2) I love colorful nail polish, but I only paint my nails light, delicate colors.
3) My cat has been gone for almost a year and I miss her so much. She was like a family member.
4) I feel a little ashamed when people talk about how good I can rolla blunt :-/
5) I recently had my hair cut in a pixie cut and I love it. Most people think I cut it because I was too lazy to style my hair every day but i really did it because I look fabulous with short hair!
5 Oddly Wonderful things about Danielle
1. My room is painted like a rainbow. I think it matches my personality.
2. I love Happy Bunny. All the socks I own are Happy Bunny. I can't stand plain socks.
3. I never stop talking. Not even in my sleep!
4. I love kids! I teach a class of 13 two and three year olds. I would love to take most of them home with me.
5. I'm pretty sure I have ADHD. So I'm hyper a lot. But I love it. It works great for being a daycare teacher!
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