Monday, January 12, 2009

oddly wonderful.

I thought it might be fun to write some things down about myself that I found a little odd and a little wonderful at the same time.

If you would be so kind to join me and leave a comment listing 5 oddly wonderful things about yourself, I would be ever so delighted. Like this: 

Five Oddly Wonderful Things about (YOUR NAME HERE)

 I will start.  

Five Oddly Wonderful Things about Claire

1. I am delighted by earrings that don't match. 
Example- a sterling silver bird post on one, and a heart on the other. Fabulous.  
2. I will go to absurd lengths (but will never lie!) to avoid upper level math or science courses.
3. I want to buy a baby moss terrarium, and not only because it sounds cute, but because there may be few things better than a mini forest in a jar/salt shaker/vase etc.
4. The short phrase "nostalgic whimsy" tickles me to no end.
5. I have never watched an episode of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition without crying freely during almost every scene. 

So now that I've been ever so open, won't you let me know your wonderful oddities, beautiful girl? 

Fill me in. 


Desiree Carroll said...

5 oddly wonderful things about des

1. I chose to take the nursing path over the vet path because animals make me cry... people not as often (i swear I don't have a cold heart! its just that big baby animals are helpless and cute)

2. I am addicted to lotion. I have about 8 different bottles I am trying to use before I buy anymore.

3. I like fun colorful socks, but I don't own any. I just like to look at them and then I buy white socks.

4. My favorite college course so far has been Islamic Civilization. Remember I am a nursing major which equals science.

5. I really want a record player and a book shelf.

Renee Badenoch said...

1. When I was in highschool, I refused to say that I had a crush on anyone. I thought that was a coarse word that didn't really describe the elation I felt inside... I said that I had Tender Inclinations and Emotional Attachments.

2. I wear glasses without lenses, because I've always wanted glasses. I call them glass-lesses.

3. I was a bridesmaid in my sister's wedding and I sobbed the whole time in front of everyone.

4. I have had over ten pet rabbits in my life, and three of them were named Peter.

5. I have a crush on Soren Kierkegaard.

Anonymous said...

5 oddly wonderful things about Katie

1. When I daydream, I think of what I want to name my children and I plan my funeral. It sounds morbid, but I want it to be really fun so that people will get together and celebrate in memory of me, instead of just get together and be sad. (If I die before you guys, you should all come. It'll be a rockin' good time.)

2. I love running by myself. It gives me time to be alone and just let my thoughts go wherever.

3. I abhor the term of endearment "baby." If it's in a song then that's okay, but when people say to their loved ones it grosses me out.

4. I love post-it notes. They're so cute and fun, but then I buy them and hate using them because they are so cute that I want to keep them forever.

5. I start planning for holidays months in advance. I had christmas ideas for people in october and I started planning for valentine's day over Christmas break.

Anonymous said...

5 things about Carley

1. i'm thrilled to be doing this. it's so random and i'm excited for some weird reason.

2. i have 3 sisters (i'm the oldest) and i love it. if my mom had had a boy i think it would have spoiled things. i have recently acquired a step sister and a step brother and i love them both but i'm glad that they didn't come into my life until i was like 17.

3. i am a brunette and have lighter-than-redhead skin. yes its lighter because i don't have freckles to cover up the paleness that is my body. i love it!! i hate tanning because its so hard for me. i burn to a crisp, turn some ugly rusty patchy color for a week and then go back to being pail. no I’m not “goth” and I don’t call myself a vampire. it’s just the way I am.

4. my boyfriend and i love finding new coffee places around our towns. we love coffee of all shapes and kinds and we found a new place last night that’s open til 10 which is awesome cause most other one’s we’ve found close at ridiculously early times like 5 or 7. and their chai is delicious!

5. as glad as i am to be in community college because there’s no drama and it’s cheap… i wish i could be in a real college with dorm mates and a big campus and being away from my family. it breaks my heart to see all my highschool friends going away to indiana and pennsylvania and having a jolly good time when i’m still stuck at my parents house.

Anonymous said...

5 oddly wonderful things about Nadirah

1) I honestly love all kinds of music. Foo Fighters, Rascal Flatts, Kanye West, The Veronicas, Mozart, Kelly Carkson, 80's everything, Lifehouse, Guns n roses, Daughtry, Lionel Richie, Blink 182, Micheal Jackson, Norah Jones... the list goes on. My playlists are always a wacky mix and I only know one other person who loves everything like I do.

2) I love colorful nail polish, but I only paint my nails light, delicate colors.

3) My cat has been gone for almost a year and I miss her so much. She was like a family member.

4) I feel a little ashamed when people talk about how good I can rolla blunt :-/

5) I recently had my hair cut in a pixie cut and I love it. Most people think I cut it because I was too lazy to style my hair every day but i really did it because I look fabulous with short hair!

Beauty_of_God said...

5 Oddly Wonderful things about Danielle

1. My room is painted like a rainbow. I think it matches my personality.

2. I love Happy Bunny. All the socks I own are Happy Bunny. I can't stand plain socks.

3. I never stop talking. Not even in my sleep!

4. I love kids! I teach a class of 13 two and three year olds. I would love to take most of them home with me.

5. I'm pretty sure I have ADHD. So I'm hyper a lot. But I love it. It works great for being a daycare teacher!